Wednesday, August 6, 2008

mah gerrrandmah

sooo maya i've finally posted something on here! my one picture to your...eight? ah! perhaps i'll post some stuff from school, but in truth, this is the only drawing i've done all summer!!! i promise more though, once school starts again, and i've found where i put my motivation...
anyway, this a drawing of my grandmother back before she married my grandfather (age 24 ish?). i think i did a good job with it...but the expression is not quite right. speaking of motivation, my dad actually bought me an external hard drive in exchange for a framable drawing of his mother. this drawing was supposed to be a warm up sketch but at the moment, it looks a lot better than the really one...ehh, can we just frame this one?


mia said...

Great! Yay for posting. You make me totally jealous with all your amazing talent! I'm really happy to see this piece and that you finally did it! It looks wonderful Kori I'm sure your dad is thrilled!

shemit said...

Uhm. Wow. Draw me. Please. :-P