Tuesday, August 5, 2008

emo: an experiment

My brother Aaron, my friend Rachel and I were all on a road
trip and i was just messing around sketching nothing really.
And then I started sketching this and little did I know that it
would start an entire project.
Anyways as I was sketching the close up image of this random
boy and writing my little commentary, "At the end of the world all
that's left is a man and his umbrella . . ." My friend Rachel was getting
a kick out of his hair and told me it looked totally emo which made me
add the last line, "and his emo hair . . ."
And then this sparked my brother to draw :

Which became the concept sketch for making
my brother emo . . .
Which was somewhat difficult to do considering my
brother has . . .

Pretty intensely curly hair! But at the end of it all
I would say that Rachel and I are quite talented at styling . . .

The result.
Hair by Maya and Rachel
Makeup by Rachel and Maya
Model Aaron
The inner angst is just screaming in this photo!
Which led to this entire photo shoot, I'll post my favorites:

Photos by Maya
Model Aaron
I love these photos the angles and the way his shadows falling, also
the symbolism on the red stool just made it really work
I'm looking so forward to taking photo next year. This also really looked
like performance art if you were there. . .

I liked the expression this photo, the cast down glance,
and dang he has long eyelashes!

One last look at the hair. . .
That hair was a work of art!
And yes it is true when people say the hair changes people!

Overall this project was a blast and the three of us had so
much fun I really can't convey it . . .


shemit said...

The BEST emo satire I've ever seen. You guys rock. Kudos to Aaron's angst-filled, "I don't care" modeling.

kkoriirokk said...

HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonderful maya, you've captured a whole different side to aaron - the dark, the angsty, the to-be vogue supermodel side

mia said...

Thanks guys!!!! I'll have to show you the other photos . . . They are well . . interesting . . .