Sunday, August 17, 2008

I recently (that is, yesterday) became cognizant of the fact that I am by far the least productive member of this little blog-circle o'joy. Alas, having been an artistic Neanderthal these summer months, I am unable to remedy the situation to my satisfaction. So am posting the single piece of anything resembling art which I have completed lately. It's the track list of a mix CD which I'm giving to me mate Re. Most of the songs are indie tunes copied from the most obliging Kori, in case you're wondering. It's pencil on vellum; I put white paper behind it when scanning but it's actually pretty transparent.

Shem, can I idly inquire what exactly the title of this blog is a reference to?


shemit said...

The least productive member are not you. ...uhmm....
*cough* Zor *hguoc*.
Anyways, cool to have lyrics in drawings is it. Do like I.
To Jason Mraz and his new album reference do I. Cool is Mraz.

kkoriirokk said...

shem that is the most confusing comment! or 'the most confusing comment shem is that' ??

rosalyn, your drawing is lovely! and i have to say that whoever you got your music from has fantastic taste!! you chose some of the best for that mix

mia said...

I love your mix and the drawings are great.